Download ImageHaydari (Turkish Cheesy Yoghurt Dip) Ingredients6 tbsp strained yoghurt (labneh)2 tbsp feta cheese2 cloves garlic (grated)3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (divided)1 tbsp butter1 tsp dried mint2 tbsp fresh dill (finely chopped)1 tsp salt (to taste)StepsHeat butter & 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan on medium low.Add mint, stir for 10 secs & remove from heat.Add feta into a mixing bowl, mash with a fork, add the strained yoghurt & the rest of the ingredients (except for the olive oil)Mix well & taste to adjust seasoning.Transfer haydari onto a serving plate or bowl, drizzle 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil & garnish with more dill (optional).Serve dip with vegetable sticks, bread or any other condiments of choice. Source :