Download ImageTomato Bulgur Pilaf (Bourghol 3a Banadoura) Ingredients15 cups coarse bulgur2 cups water1/2 lb ground beef1 large onion diced1 tomato peeled and chopped2 tbsp tomato paste3 tbsp olive oil1 tsp 7 spice1 tsp cumin1 tsp salt1/2 tsp black pepperStepsAdd onions in a large pot, sauté until golden brown colourAdd ground beef, spices and cook until meat has brownedNext add tomatoes and cook for a few minutes until softened mixing it well with the meatAdd washed and drained bulgur, water & tomato paste and bring to a boil on medium heatWhen the mixture starts to bubble, lower the heat to low, cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed When the pilaf is done, remove it from the heat and let it rest, covered, for a few minutes before servingServe with a side of olives, radishes, pickles & pita bread*You can always omit the meat and make it a vegetarian dish* Source :