Olive &Amp; Garlic Foccacia Download Image
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Olive and Garlic Focaccia is a traditional Italian flatbread that is soft and fluffy with a crispy crust. It is infused with the flavors of olives, garlic, and rosemary, which give it a savory and aromatic taste. The bread is made from a simple dough that is topped with a generous amount of olive oil and sea salt, which gives it a crispy texture on the outside and a soft and chewy texture on the inside.

To make olive and garlic focaccia, you will need flour, yeast, salt, water, olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and chopped olives. The dough is made by combining the flour, yeast, salt, and water and letting it rise until it doubles in size. The dough is then flattened out on a baking sheet and left to rise again before being topped with olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and olives. The bread is then baked in the oven until it is golden brown and crispy on the outside.

Olive and garlic focaccia can be served as an appetizer, a snack, or a side dish. It pairs well with salads, soups, and pasta dishes, and is also delicious on its own.



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