Download ImageWatch Video Chohary Ka Halwa IngredientsChohary or dried dates 2 cups washedMilk 1 liter full fatGhee 1 cupSugar 1 cupDry milk powder 1 cupNuts to garnishMethodIn a sauce pan cook chohary with 1 liter of full fat milk until soft and tenderLet them cool and remove the seeds and the top part with help of knifeIn a mini chopper chop finely the dates milk mixtureIn a wok add ghee and few cardamomsAdd the dry dates mixture aka chohara mixture and stir on slow to medium flame for 30 min with spatulaAdd sugar and stir again on medium flame for 30 minIn the end add dry milk powder and stir again until the ghee starts to leave the panNow add the chopped nuts and serve Source :