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Yorkshire Pudding is a classic British dish, often served with a traditional Sunday roast dinner. It is made from a simple batter of flour, eggs, and milk, which is baked in a hot oven until it rises and turns golden brown.

To make Yorkshire Pudding, a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk is whisked together until smooth and then seasoned with salt and pepper. The batter is then poured into a preheated, oiled muffin tin or baking dish and baked in a hot oven until the pudding has risen and is crispy and golden brown on the outside, and soft and airy on the inside.

Yorkshire Puddings are typically served with roast beef and gravy, but can also be enjoyed with other meats, such as pork or chicken, or as a vegetarian side dish. They are a classic comfort food in the UK and are enjoyed by many people around the world.

Ingredients For 12 Yorkshire Puddings


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