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Macaroona bi laban is a traditional Lebanese dish that translates to “pasta in yogurt.” It is a simple and delicious dish made with pasta, yogurt, and a few other ingredients.

To prepare macaroona bi laban, short pasta such as macaroni or penne is cooked until tender and drained. In a separate bowl, plain yogurt is mixed with crushed garlic, salt, and a little water to make a creamy sauce. The cooked pasta is then added to the yogurt sauce and mixed well.

The dish can be served hot or cold, and is often topped with toasted pine nuts and a drizzle of olive oil. Some variations of the recipe include adding chopped fresh mint or parsley for extra flavor and garnish.

Macaroona bi laban is a comforting and filling dish that is often enjoyed as a main meal, but can also be served as a side dish alongside grilled meats or vegetables.

Macaroona Bi Laban Ingredients


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